10. März 2021
Das »Fünf-Sinn-Fragen«-Mini-Interview von Jo und der Wolf.
Heute mit Michel Ludwig, Inhaber und Kreativchef der strategischen Designagentur Kool Kreative im westaustralischen Perth, die kommunikativ u.a. einige Projekte von Aboriginals unterstützt.
1. Michel, what does happiness mean to you?
A life surrounded by people and an environment that inspires, engages and challenges me.
2. Which character trait means the most to you?
Kindness. In a world that feels more polarised and self-interested than ever, the capacity to think and act for the benefit of others is incredibly important.
3. Thinking about the concept of „Change as an Opportunity“ – what presents the greatest challenge to you as the owner of an agency?
It feels like both the challenges and the opportunities that technology presents us are limitless. I see the biggest challenge in understanding and predicting where technology presents a genuine opportunity and what is a ‘fad’ or even a challenge to the way we do business. Reminding ourselves and our clients that regardless of the medium, a well communicated, creative message is king.
4. As an immigrant, what does it mean to you to support Aboriginal Australians through socially focussed communication projects?
The role of immigrants to Australia, both first generation arrivals like myself and those that have immigrated in the last 230 years, is primarily to learn and understand what the oldest continuous culture on earth can teach us. I see our role less in creating communication projects that ‘talk at’ people, but to partner with Aboriginal businesses, artists and organisations in creating meaningful, respectful and effective communication that might be different from how we have been taught is the ‘right’ way to communicate.
5. When you think of the future of Aborignal Australia – what do you want from Australian politics and the wider community?
It’s about understanding and equity. There is so much we can learn from the cultures that have lived successfully and in harmony with the Australian environment for tens of thousands of years. Australia as a nation needs to find a way to embrace its cultural history. That is done by education. By integrating culture, languages and embracing knowledge of place pre european settlement. It means including Aboriginal Australians in decisions about the use of land and the environmental impact of human action in Australia and honouring our nation’s cultural heritage pre European settlement.